Възможност за обучение: Програма за общностни лидери
Фондация ВИА отправя покана за обучение на общностни лидери. ViabilityNet 3.0 е едногодишна програма за отделни активисти и представители на НПО от Централна и Източна Европа с фокус върху развитието на местните общности.
Срокът за кандидатстване е 31.03.2017. Обучението е на английски език.
Повече информация може да намерите на сайта на фондацията и на тяхната фейсбук страница
Via Foundation, based in Prague, is launching a call for applications for ViabilityNet 3.0, a program that will offer community leaders space to learn, reflect, connect and grow together and funding for projects that focus on empowering their own communities. ViabilityNet 3.0 is focused primarily on the Central and Eastern European region (CEE), with secondary reach into Western Europe.
Via Foundation is looking for 22 participants who are working in their communities for an explicitly formulated social change which is intended to benefit the community as a whole. Participants must be at least 27 years of age. The primary language of the program will be English and the duration of the program will be from August 2017 through August 2018.
ViabilityNet 3.0 is a three-year program that includes four components:
- Local community leaders’ program – a year-long program for individuals
- Network of partner organizations in the CEE region
- Alumni network
- Cooperation with the academic sector
- We are currently opening two components.
The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, 2017, 23:00 CET.