Възможност за стипендия за изследвания в областта на демокрацията и гражданското общество
Европейската асоциация за местна демокрация обявява стипендия за изследвания в областта на демокрацията, демокрацията и гражданското общество и/или междуетническия диалог. Обявата е отворена за студенти от различни университети и за изследователи.
Повече информация на сайта на конкурса.
Срок за кандидатстване: 16.04.2017
ALDA set up a scholarship in memory of its Honorary President, Gianfranco Martini, which is given on an annual basis.
The call for application is open to university students and researchers proposing a study work or project dealing with the topics of local democracy, engagement of civil society and/or interethnic dialogue. The aim is to receive high-quality academic research and analysis for ALDA’s fields of activity in order to develop further strategies on these topics.
The applications will be selected on the following criteria:
- Originality and innovation of the proposal
- Timeliness and relevance of the research
- Clear definition and formulation of the research project’s objectives and how it will be implemented
- Relevance for ALDA’s work regarding local democracy, civil society engagement and interethnic dialogue
- Research that builds a link between theory and practice.
Applications will be assessed by ALDA Governing Board members.