Thinking about the future, how would our country look like in 2017? What about civil society development? Would we have a real and efficient citizens’ involvement and civil society organisations participation in decision-making? These were among the topics for discussion and “dreaming” for the Citizen Participation Forum members during the Future Search Conference. The event was held on 17-18th July 2014 in Veliko Tarnovo. 53 participants, regular and associated members of the network took part in the event.
The Future Search Conference defined the main strategic trends for Citizen Participation Forum development. In order to reach the major points, the Forum members within the working groups had to take a step into the past and give an overview of the main steps and experience and analyse what are the current external trends, potential possibilities, risks and opportunities in front of the Citizen Participation Forum Network and civil society organisations as a whole.
At the end of the conference, the participants presented their visions for the future through creative approaches, interactions and game simulations thus employing their dreams, talents and creativity in generating ideas.
These ideas will provide the basis for the organisation’s strategy and the long-term objectives.
The Future Search Conference was organised with the support of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation